Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Witnessing a Miracle

God works Miracles daily. I cannot praise Him enough today or any day. I have always tried to keep this journey focused on God, knowing that He already knows the future and He has a plan for me and it is a good plan. But wow, does He take us through some trying times. He is there, working His miracles and restoring hope when there is none.

This past weekend Jon and I and the babies had quite a scare. At this moment everything is fine, we are on our way back to "normal" however, I think I just lived the worst 48 hours of my life. Without warning on Friday I started bleeding, badly. I called the doctor and she met us at the Women's Hospital at about 9:45. The outlook was not good, however though all of this I was calm, just thinking that if God wants me to be pregnant then I will be pregnant, if not He will provide a way to comfort me and a way to help me through. The whole night I had my hands on my stomach again repeating the Lord's Prayer, over and over.

We finally got an ultrasound at 10:30 and they found one heartbeat. I was full of such mixed emotions. I was so thankful, but yet, so sad. Then about 10 minutes later they found the second. Both babies were still alive, with beating hearts just hanging out, not even realizing that everyone in the room just witnessed a miracle. Two heartbeats…..two thankful parents.

Either way Jon and I spent Friday night and most of Saturday at the hospital. We finally got to sleep around 3 and then were woke up again at 6. We did another ultrasound with a high risk OB on Saturday and he assured us that the babies were fine. However now we are transferring to a high risk OB and are going to the doctor weekly. I am so fine with that. More pictures of my kids! We also went in on Sunday and now I get to take more shots in the bum. Jon is so excited about this…..ha ha. But at this point other than the shots, I am pretty much back to where I was Friday at 8 pm.

As I was thinking about all of this on Sunday as I sat in bed, I just kept thinking about how I just witnessed a miracle. How I know that God has a special plan for our children because he kept them alive. How God wants me to be pregnant at least for today. How amazing my God is.

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